AirPowerNews 123.(2023.jún.)
2023.06.11. 20:14 | zord | 43 komment
Címkék: hírek illusztráció Győr AirPowerNews NASAMS
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zord 2023.06.11. 20:15:58
Kezdődjék a június itt is.
Beat it! 2023.06.12. 09:44:13
Ez a nyitókép utalás arra, hogy egy hónapon belül érkezik a Nemzeti Légvédelmi Rendszer?
Ez a nyitókép utalás arra, hogy egy hónapon belül érkezik a Nemzeti Légvédelmi Rendszer?
zord 2023.06.12. 15:10:25
Amerikai helikopterlobbi cikk az erurópai fejlesztési dilemmákról, de azért érdekes:
A lényeg, hogy a hagyományos elrendezésű gépekre még sokáig szükség lesz, nihsz ugribugri.
A lényeg, hogy a hagyományos elrendezésű gépekre még sokáig szükség lesz, nihsz ugribugri.
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.13. 20:34:53
Letter to Parliament about new developments in the sale of F-16 aircraft to Draken International
State Secretary Van der Maat (Defense) informs the House of Representatives about the new developments in the field of the sale of F-16 aircraft with associated materials to Draken International.
State Secretary Van der Maat (Defense) informs the House of Representatives about the new developments in the field of the sale of F-16 aircraft with associated materials to Draken International.
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.13. 20:39:40
A helicopter "mishap" in northeast Syria over the weekend left 22 United States service members injured, the U.S. military said Tuesday, adding that the cause of the accident was under investigation.
The statement from the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said they were receiving treatment and 10 have been moved to "higher care facilities" outside the region.
It said "a helicopter mishap in northeastern Syria resulted in the injuries of various degrees of 22 U.S. service members" and Sunday's accident is under investigation "although no enemy fire was reported."
The statement from the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said they were receiving treatment and 10 have been moved to "higher care facilities" outside the region.
It said "a helicopter mishap in northeastern Syria resulted in the injuries of various degrees of 22 U.S. service members" and Sunday's accident is under investigation "although no enemy fire was reported."
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.13. 20:45:52
Ukraine has lost 16 US-supplied armored vehicles in the past several days, according to open-source intelligence analysis, as the country’s military announced its forces had captured three villages from Russia in an offensive in the eastern Donetsk region.
Gaudi 2023.06.14. 11:40:54
Nem igazán politizálnék, de a külpolitikánkkal kapcsolatban nem látom, hogy mit nyerünk a dolgon, csak azt, hogy mit vesztünk egyelőre.
Kéne ilyen cucc, ha nem is pont ez, de nagyon.
Nem igazán politizálnék, de a külpolitikánkkal kapcsolatban nem látom, hogy mit nyerünk a dolgon, csak azt, hogy mit vesztünk egyelőre.
Kéne ilyen cucc, ha nem is pont ez, de nagyon.
zord 2023.06.14. 22:40:17
Továbbiak a holland H225M és az új, "csapatlégvédelmi" NASAMS ügyében:
T.Tom · visualcontact.blog.hu/ 2023.06.15. 08:16:56
@Levente B.: Éppen időben, holnap már jelenése van.
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.16. 16:44:16
"Army strategising on gender-neutral ranks, says General Sir Patrick Sanders
Chief of the General Staff says ‘masculine-coded’ terms are ‘something we need to think about really carefully and really hard’"
Chief of the General Staff says ‘masculine-coded’ terms are ‘something we need to think about really carefully and really hard’"
KGyST · http://repules.tumblr.com 2023.06.17. 17:30:14
Hát ez milyen állat:
Pakisztáni F-16 izraeli upgrade-el? (CFT, nagy gerinc)
Pakisztáni F-16 izraeli upgrade-el? (CFT, nagy gerinc)
Liverbird 2023.06.17. 21:13:56
@KGyST: Gyári Block 52-esek a Peace Drive beszerzésből.
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.18. 08:59:34
@zord: "Daniel was a seeker of truth and a patriotic truth-teller, an anti-war activist, a beloved husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, a dear friend to many, and an inspiration to countless more. "
Az elmúlt évek kiszivárogtatóira nem ezeket a jelzőket használták eddig.
Az elmúlt évek kiszivárogtatóira nem ezeket a jelzőket használták eddig.
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.18. 15:29:10
Érdemes elolvasni...egy két részletet kiemeltem:
Interview with Brigadier Xavier Isaac: the Argentine Air Force and its programs
...The Chinese offer has been closed for a long time, for 15 planes, the one for the F-16, the one for the plane itself is almost closed. It is for 32 planes, which I still have no communication that could be less due to the fact that one goes to Ukraine....I just can't find anything. The Airbus C295, which was the star plane, has British components and at the time Airbus told me, personally, "we have to go and ask for end-user permission from Great Britain." I looked for options, I think it is the ideal aircraft, but I did not see anything on the market that has the capacity that an F27 or a C295 has.
Totally, if not I go to something civil, but from the military I did not find anything. The Spartan, which is more expensive, for that I prefer the Hercules. I saw CN235, but they are all military and very worn. I looked in another market, in China, but I didn't see anything that would really be of use to the Air Force. I can't find anything other than the militarized civilian, with a loading door, like for the Saab, which, if we buy a couple more Saabs, as we have in the portfolio, we think about putting a loading door on them, but it doesn't have a ramp.
Today the only option I see in the short term is to recover what we had, which was the F27....
Interview with Brigadier Xavier Isaac: the Argentine Air Force and its programs
...The Chinese offer has been closed for a long time, for 15 planes, the one for the F-16, the one for the plane itself is almost closed. It is for 32 planes, which I still have no communication that could be less due to the fact that one goes to Ukraine....I just can't find anything. The Airbus C295, which was the star plane, has British components and at the time Airbus told me, personally, "we have to go and ask for end-user permission from Great Britain." I looked for options, I think it is the ideal aircraft, but I did not see anything on the market that has the capacity that an F27 or a C295 has.
Totally, if not I go to something civil, but from the military I did not find anything. The Spartan, which is more expensive, for that I prefer the Hercules. I saw CN235, but they are all military and very worn. I looked in another market, in China, but I didn't see anything that would really be of use to the Air Force. I can't find anything other than the militarized civilian, with a loading door, like for the Saab, which, if we buy a couple more Saabs, as we have in the portfolio, we think about putting a loading door on them, but it doesn't have a ramp.
Today the only option I see in the short term is to recover what we had, which was the F27....
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.18. 15:30:46
Carrier USS Gerald R. Ford Enters Mediterranean Sea
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.18. 15:32:51
On June 14, 2023, Greek MoD met with representatives from MBDA UK. The focus of the meeting was the presentation of the Meteor BVR air-to-air missile which equips the F-35 & Rafale fighter jets. Greece is interested in integrating the Meteor missile into its future F-35 fleet.
Worth noting that Greece already owns an undisclosed number of Meteor missiles for its Rafale fleet.
Worth noting that Greece already owns an undisclosed number of Meteor missiles for its Rafale fleet.
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.18. 15:34:12
Indonesia buys Qatari Mirage jets to plug fighter gap
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.18. 15:37:10
Bandung (07/06), PTDI completed work on a CN235-220 Military Transport aircraft owned by the Royal Malaysian Air Force (TUDM) which was converted into a CN235-220 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA).
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.18. 15:37:55
HÜRJET Jet Training and Light Attack Aircraft, Turkey's first manned jet-powered aircraft, which started to work in 2017 as the original project of Turkish Aerospace Industries, has made 10 flights since its first flight on April 25, 2023.
HÜRJET, which folded the landing gear in its last two flights, has successfully performed flight control system, air data system and aircraft system tests, staying in the air for a total of 6 hours and 16 minutes. The second test pilot took part in the last flight of the HÜRJET Jet Trainer and Light Attack Aircraft, making its first flight in this context. From now on, HÜRJET will continue to meet the sky with two pilots during intense test periods.
HÜRJET, which folded the landing gear in its last two flights, has successfully performed flight control system, air data system and aircraft system tests, staying in the air for a total of 6 hours and 16 minutes. The second test pilot took part in the last flight of the HÜRJET Jet Trainer and Light Attack Aircraft, making its first flight in this context. From now on, HÜRJET will continue to meet the sky with two pilots during intense test periods.
Gaudi 2023.06.20. 14:31:51
Mivel itthon majd nem lehet fényképezni (no comment...), gondoltam jó helyen lesz itt.
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.21. 07:51:00
Bobi videójában is van egy kis részlet
Bobi videójában is van egy kis részlet
zord 2023.06.23. 07:06:07
@KGyST: én hajlok rá, hogy a 9.13-asok és némely szlovák 12-esek szárny alatti PTB-1150 póttartályának.pilonjából kialakított mondjuk JDAM pilon:
De persze az is lehet, hogy valami teljesen új. Ne feledjük, csupán az egész nyugati indusztri áll mögöttük széleskörű saját és szatelit szovjet tapasztalattal!
De persze az is lehet, hogy valami teljesen új. Ne feledjük, csupán az egész nyugati indusztri áll mögöttük széleskörű saját és szatelit szovjet tapasztalattal!
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.23. 10:04:41
Egy Storm Shadow-t vizuálisan követ egy Pantsir, többszöri tűzmegnyitás után se tudja leszedni?
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.23. 10:28:13
Három Gripen hazafele Jagel-ből benézett Budapestre, jó alacsonyan.
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.23. 11:24:34
Mała Narew, rendszerbe állító lövészet:
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.23. 13:26:58
On 22 June 2023, a Russian Air Force Mil Mi-24P crashed in the area of Lesnaya, Brest Oblast, Belarus. Both crew members were injured.
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.23. 18:05:22
Israel Plans to Sell Its Merkava Tanks to Cyprus
A security source revealed that Israel is planning on selling hundreds of older tanks to a European country. A Cypriot source confirmed that talks were held with Israel on the matter
A security source revealed that Israel is planning on selling hundreds of older tanks to a European country. A Cypriot source confirmed that talks were held with Israel on the matter
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.24. 12:16:28
@Levente B.:
Elnyelte a blogmotor a bejegyzést....szóval Kolumbia dán használt F-16-ost akar venni. Állítólag ez az alapja hogy gyári új gépeket kapjanak az amerikaiaktól.
Elnyelte a blogmotor a bejegyzést....szóval Kolumbia dán használt F-16-ost akar venni. Állítólag ez az alapja hogy gyári új gépeket kapjanak az amerikaiaktól.
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.24. 13:58:36
Egy Ka-52-est éppen hogy elkerüli egy Sztrela-10-es
Levente B. · combatant.blog.hu 2023.06.26. 14:05:28
A Horvátországban lezuhant H145 roncsait összeszedték, a három pilóta holtestét még nem hozták haza:
zord 2023.06.29. 07:21:48
@árpika: a horvátországi indulás: